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M464S0924CT1-C1L bảng dữ liệu (PDF) - Samsung semiconductor

M464S0924CT1-C1L Datasheet PDF - Samsung semiconductor
tên linh kiện M464S0924CT1-C1L
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kích thước tập tin   102.47 Kbytes
Page   9 Pages
nhà sản xuất  SAMSUNG [Samsung semiconductor]
Trang chủ  http://www.samsung.com/Products/Semiconductor
Logo SAMSUNG - Samsung semiconductor
Giải thích chi tiết về linh kiện 8Mx64 SDRAM SODIMM based on 8Mx16, 4Banks, 4K Refresh, 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD

M464S0924CT1-C1L Datasheet (PDF)

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M464S0924CT1-C1L Datasheet PDF - Samsung semiconductor

tên linh kiện M464S0924CT1-C1L
tải về  M464S0924CT1-C1L Click to download

kích thước tập tin   102.47 Kbytes
Page   9 Pages
nhà sản xuất  SAMSUNG [Samsung semiconductor]
Trang chủ  http://www.samsung.com/Products/Semiconductor
Logo SAMSUNG - Samsung semiconductor
Giải thích chi tiết về linh kiện 8Mx64 SDRAM SODIMM based on 8Mx16, 4Banks, 4K Refresh, 3.3V Synchronous DRAMs with SPD

M464S0924CT1-C1L bảng dữ liệu (HTML) - Samsung semiconductor

M464S0924CT1-C1L Datasheet HTML 1Page - Samsung semiconductor M464S0924CT1-C1L Datasheet HTML 2Page - Samsung semiconductor M464S0924CT1-C1L Datasheet HTML 3Page - Samsung semiconductor M464S0924CT1-C1L Datasheet HTML 4Page - Samsung semiconductor M464S0924CT1-C1L Datasheet HTML 5Page - Samsung semiconductor M464S0924CT1-C1L Datasheet HTML 6Page - Samsung semiconductor M464S0924CT1-C1L Datasheet HTML 7Page - Samsung semiconductor M464S0924CT1-C1L Datasheet HTML 8Page - Samsung semiconductor M464S0924CT1-C1L Datasheet HTML 9Page - Samsung semiconductor

M464S0924CT1-C1L Thông tin chi tiết sản phẩm

The Samsung M464S0924CT1 is a 8M bit x 64 Synchronous Dynamic RAM high density memory module. The Samsung M464S0924CT1 consists of four CMOS 8M x 16 bit with 4banks Synchronous DRAMs in TSOP-II 400mil package and a 2K EEPROM in 8-pin TSSOP package on a 144-pin glass epoxy substrate. Three 0.1uF decoupling capacitors are mounted on the printed circuit board in parallel for each SDRAM. The M464S0924CT1 is a Small Outline Dual In-line Memory Module and is intended for mounting into 144-pin edge connector sockets.

• Performance range
• Burst mode operation
• Auto & self refresh capability (4096 Cycles/64ms)
• LVTTL compatible inputs and outputs
• Single 3.3V ± 0.3V power supply
• MRS cycle with address key programs
    Latency (Access from column address)
    Burst length (1, 2, 4, 8 & Full page)
    Data scramble (Sequential & Interleave)
• All inputs are sampled at the positive going edge of the system clock
• Serial presence detect with EEPROM
• PCB : Height (1,000mil) , double sided component

Số phần tương tự - M464S0924CT1-C1L

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